Black 411 Internet Browser
Black 411 is one of the best Yellow pages and White pages directory browser. New features have been added such as Google Maps and some great weather finder features.
Download Intructions: Black411
Website: Black411 homepage
Blackberry RSS Readers Freeware
I'm really hook to reading my news on the go, I've been exploring some solutions for me to get some news and blogs in my Blackberry. The solutions came to me 2 free RSS software which enabled me to get my headlines and some blogs I follow to keep me updated. My personal favorite is Berry Bloglines because I already use bloglines which makes creating a new account even faster for my Blackberry.
PICO News - RSS Reader
Piconews is Black touch new software that will allow you to have access to all information feeds available on the Internet from your BlackBerry terminal:
- thanks to an easy subscription from the start to information feeds through Piconews software.
- by adding or deleting feeds from the catalog,
- by receiving a regular update of dispatches,
- thanks to simple graphics that make news easy to read,
- and of course allowing you to forward your favorite information by email to friends and colleagues...
Website: Pico News RSS
Blackberry Bloglines
Berry Bloglines is a free, open source RSS Reader optimized for reading news feeds and blogs on the Blackberry.
Berry Bloglines is unique because it allows you to read full articles, not just summaries, and even links to external content work well because they are optimized using the Google mobile content reformatter.
Download Instructions: Berry Bloglines
Mobile Play
Mobile Play is a specialized RSS reader with dedicated content partners. The software can be compared to the Avantgo browser with its own dedicated content channels. Mobile Play does comes to stand out with its fast loading speed which is fast comparing to the current version of Avantgo.
Another important features that makes Mobile Play stand out is the instant game installer included in the software. The games include a sellection of card games, trivia , arcade and sports.
Register and Download : Mobile Play
JIMM Mobile Messaging
* Jimm is an ICQ™ clone for mobile devices with J2ME™ (MIDP) technology
(Java 2 Micro Edition / Mobile Information Device Platform)
* It's working on a lot of devices which have J2ME™ support.
* Connects directly to the ICQ™ network via cheap GPRS or UMTS connection
* ICQ™ instant messaging on the go with your mobile device
* Brings ICQ™ to your mobile phone or J2ME™ supporting handheld
* Uses protocol version 8
* Supports: Sending files, local history, search for contacts and much more
* Multilingual (English, German, Russian, Lithuanian, Bulgarian,
Czech, Ukranian and Serbian are currently supported)
* Free software, full source included (GPL'ed)
* Not affiliated with or endorsed by ICQ Inc.
Supported Devices: Blackberry 7510
Download: Jimm Messaging ( Source Forge )
Ramble™ Instant Messenger
Ramble is an application designed to let users access the AOL Instant Messenger™ network via a Research in Motion BlackBerry® device. The application was designed as a technology demonstration by SRA International, Inc. Wireless Integrations Services group. The application is free for use, but not open source. Accordingly, feel free to download the application and send us your feedback at Also watch this site in the future for upgrades to the product.
As a technology demonstration, Ramble has been developed from the ground up as BlackBerry application integrated into key areas of Blackberry operating system. The software will function on BlackBerry devices with version 4.0 or higher of the operating system. Check your user manual to learn how to find this information.
Key features of Ramble include:
* AOL Instant Message Compatibility
* Real-Time IM with multiple "Buddies"
* Buddy List® Interaction and Management
* Color-coded Conversations and Chats
* Audible and Vibrate Alerts of Instant Message Events
* Private Multi-Buddy Chat Capability
* Public Chat Capability
* Background application capability (you can stay logged in and use email and other functions at the same time)
* System Alert Dialogs so you know when someone has IM'd you even when you're not in the Ramble application!
* Direct TCP Connectivity Available for BlackBerry OS v4.0
* Message Time Stamps, Radio Signal Meter, Over-The-Air Installation, and much more!
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