Local Maps for the Blackberry

Local Maps for the BlackberrySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Google Maps ( New update: version Version 2.1.0 )

I'm always lost when it comes to working a GPS guidance system, to those who just want a simple map system would be the best. An answer to my prayer cam when google finally released Google Maps and Local for the Blackberry.

blaclberry software freewareIt currently does not work for all blackberry models but only the lastest ones. It works for 5 blackberry models and they're working on make it compatible with older models.

Link: Google Maps

Live Search - Blackberry

Here an alternative to Google Maps, although I find Live Search sluggish compared to Google
Maps, it also has some great features which may come in handy when your traveling or just in a new neighborhood. You can search for businesses or get directions and even get traffic updates.

download: live search mobile Blackberry


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